1.reticence (unwillingness, hesitance) 2.facilitate (make easier or less difficult. ex. Careful planning facilitates any kind of works.) 3.the nostalgia of a country boy
4.cater (provide what is desired or required) 5.rue (regret, repent) 6.plausible (it may or may not be a true) 7.
1)at once catering to reticence and facilitating expression
Rosanna Warren
Fidele is in fact a young woman, Imogen, in boys’ clothing.
the female role of Imogen would have been played by a boy or young man, giving the audience a male actor playing a female (Imogen) pretending to be a male (Fidele).
Given what is now clear about Housman’s sexual orientation, it seems plausible that Housman, consciously or not, identified with the doubly cross-dressing Imogen/Fidele, and nurtured a hope that his poems, if not he, would live
As the poem opens, the narrator speaks of his rue-laden heart, raising the question:
Why is he sad?
The second line explains why: his friends are gone.
With rue my heart is laden, Alfred Housman A.E. Housman
With rue my heart is laden
For golden friends I had,
For many a rose-lipt maiden
And many a lightfood lad.
By brooks too broad for leaping
The lightfoot boys are laid;
The rose-lipt girls are sleeping
In fields where roses fade.
When I was one-and-twenty
The Widow of Ephesus
book review
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
“The Unicorn in the Garden”
“Oh, my love is like a red, red rose”
“The Prodigal Son”
“Western Wind”
“The Lesser Gods of Olympus”
The Two Great Gods of Earth: “Demeter”
“The Two Great Gods of Earth: “Dionysus”
“When daisies pied and violets blue”
“The Story of an Hour”
“Of Studies”
From The Taming of the Shrew